MLAI Solution Cold storage Management System

Cold storage Management System

We understand the challenges of manual labour that you face in Cold Storage Management, such as inward, outward, assigning a lot number to inward products, and assigning each lot to a certain level, chamber, and rack. It's also tough to notify your supplier, agent, or consumer. Maintain inventory and provide reminders to customers regarding payment due on a regular basis. The most significant element is that managing a fake firm for testing purposes is sometimes required. All of these features will be available to you on a single finger.

Cold storage Management System Features

  1. Inward registers are highly useful when items arrive at your Cold Storage or warehouse.
  2. For each inward, we'll assign an auto Inward No.
  3. You can assign the Lot Number, Floor, Chamber, and Rack of an inward item using inward.
  4. You may add additional expanses with each inward like freight, labour, weight etc.