MLAI Solution Material Management System

MLAI Materials Management System (MMS) / Material Gate Pass Software

Materials management plays an important role across all industries, whether it be in the hospitality industry or manufacturing. Essentially, materials play a vital role in the profitability of your business operations as they are a key component of profitability. We believe that MLAI material gate pass management software can offer you a comprehensive and customized solution for managing gate passes. It is used to keep track of every piece of material that is moving in and out of the facility through the MLAI Materials Management System (MMS) / Material Gate Pass Software. Companies can reduce the loss of materials through automation of the entire process of tracking transactions as well as prevent unauthorized access to materials by automating the whole process of tracking transactions. In addition to tracking materials (as defined by the business of the user) and sending auto-escalation emails to the appropriate head of department in case of anomalous activities, the material management gate pass system also can communicate with the relevant department head remotely about any anomalous activities.

You can now keep an eye on the number of materials that are ordered since this gate pass software allows you to track the number of materials that are on hand and also assign responsibility for each asset to an employee.

Eliminate Manual Gate Pass Process with MLAI Materials Management System (MMS) / Material Gate Pass Software

In a facility, tracking the movement of material through a manual material gate pass process is cumbersome and time-consuming. There are multiple levels of paperwork involved. There is always a little extra complexity when it comes to capital goods, which is why the approval workflow differs from the normal flow. An approval process is further delayed if the person that is responsible for approving it is not present.

MLAI Materials Management System (MMS) / Material Gate Pass Software

A software that customizes to the user's needs and has an extensive set of features, is an intelligent application that digitises the entire process of a material's movement, whether the material is returnable or not, outbound or inbound. As an example, you can raise a material transfer request on a digital form with custom fields and send a notification to the approver as soon as it has been approved. Approvers can allow the material pass to be downloaded on their mobile phones at any time regardless of where they are located, saving them time and effort.

Returnable Gate Pass (RGP) & Non-Returnable Gate Pass (NRGP)

There is a returnable gate pass that is issued for materials that leave the premises and are returned (or materials that enter your facility and need to be returned). There is a requirement to issue a non-returnable gate pass to material entering the gates of your facility not existing (or to materials that exit your premises and are not to be returned).MLAI Materials Management System (MMS) / Material Gate Pass Software automates every step of the RGP and NRGP process. Many materials can be used in an office or factory, or a warehouse or distribution centre. They can be a small asset or capital good. It is possible to eliminate all paper logs and track the materials from the beginning to the end with all the details of each material. The creation of a gate pass is so simple that anyone can use it. You can easily add or remove approvers according to your requirements, see material pictures, send reminders and alerts, or check detailed reports and analytics.

Features of MLAI Materials Management System (MMS) / Material Gate Pass Software

  1. Add/Remove Fields : There are different requirements for different types of gate passes. Accordingly, there is a different set of data to be filled in each pass. We have custom fields for our material gate pass management system that you can add or remove to capture various business-specific data.
  2. Approver Workflow : The workflow can be controlled by you. For a gate pass to be approved, it is necessary to have approval from a variety of levels of authorities. Our gate pass management system allows for easy configuration of adding/removing anyone at any level for parallel or sequential approvals, according to the policies outlined by your company.

  1. Capture Material Details : Ensure that you capture as many details as you can. You should be able to track the material at any stage while it is being transported. It is important to record and track the quantity of the material, a picture of the material, a photo ID of the vendor, serial numbers, or any other specifications as necessary. You can identify the material using QR codes.
  2. Alerts & Reminders : It is essential to automate a gate pass workflow by using alerts and notifications. There are mobile and email alerts and reminders that can be configured to be sent to & from initiators, approvers, vendors, security, or the recipient. If returnable material is not returned on or before the due date, you may escalate the matter.

  1. Identify Each Material : Material gate pass management software enables all parties involved in the gate pass process to easily identify each material at every stage of the gate pass process. Material photos are available to approvers until the gate pass process has been completed. Dispatch personnel and receivers can identify them through the use of bar codes or QR codes.
  2. Reports & Analytics : Throughout the material gate pass process, all of the gate pass data that is generated gets converted into multiple MIS reports and analytics. The data can be used as a basis for making informed decisions. By using the system, you can easily verify information such as the number of materials out for transfer inside the company, how many have to be returned on a certain date, & etc.

  1. Real-Time Tracking : Every step of the gate pass workflow takes place in real-time. Streamline the whole gate pass process by tracking the daily movements of each material from beginning to end at multiple branches and locations, get real-time updates, & access the reports & analytics in real-time.
  2. Easy Integration MLAI Materials Management System (MMS) / Material Gate Pass Software : can easily integrate with other software such as visitor management systems, vendor management systems, vehicle tracking systems, and other software to provide seamless operations integration for businesses/facilities.
  3. Customizable : Each organization has a different policy regarding material gate passes. There are many types of businesses, and we can match our material gate pass management system to your company's specific needs, no matter what type of business you are in. You do not have to worry about using features and systems you do not need.

Why MLAI Materials Management System (MMS) / Material Gate Pass Software?

  1. Easy to Use : Using our gate pass management system allows a complicated process to be automated while keeping it extremely simple and easy to use.
  2. Foolproof : It is a cloud-based and mobile technology-based gate pass system which reduces manual errors as a result.
  3. Accountability : Using the system makes both the guards and the staff more accountable since it cannot be tampered with in any way.

  1. No clunky hardware : There is minimal hardware required for the system to operate efficiently.
  2. Customizable : Many features can be added quickly and easily, or tailored to meet specific needs.
  3. Secure Data : There is a continuous backup of all data on the server. We guarantee the safety and security of your data.

MLAI Materials Management System (MMS) / Material Gate Pass Software– Flow


Request is the first step in material gate pass management and is accessed based on the configuration of the User Role. The requestor is the employee who creates the gate pass. Authorizations, Request Search, Gate Pass Printing, View Page, and Request Expiration can all be customized according to requirements.

  • Role-based requests for different types of assets
  • Authorization at multiple levels
  • DC No. and DC Date are the internal delivery challan number and date that are manually entered by users.
  • A parallel material request can be configured simultaneously with an approval process.
  • Map requests and approvals to department heads
  • Requests expire automatically after x days, after which material can be re-requested
  • Configurable auto expiry of pending and approved requests


Approval is the process of continuing the workflow that must be completed by an employee to complete the request for material gate passes. There can be up to 3 levels of approval, either sequentially or in parallel. There is the possibility to configure approvers based on departments, value, material type, and so on.

  • Approvals can be role-based or value-based
  • Multi-level approvals can be configured. Approvals can be sequential or parallel.
  • Notification to Department Head
  • Record approver's signature & time of approval


There is a stage in the process called dispatch where the material is sent outside of the organization with the assistance of the dispatch desk or the security desk. The admin can configure a multi-level dispatch system that best fits the requirements of the business. In the case of inter-branch or inter-location transfers, acknowledgement is used to acknowledge the receipt of materials received at the other end of the transfer.

  • Requested materials can be completely dispatched, partially dispatched or cancelled
  • Acknowledgement is enabled in Inter-Office transfers of materials
  • Verification at multiple checkpoints for added security
  • Approver's signature capture at every stage
  • Material dispatch verification at Stores and Gate
  • Gate pass designed for your business
  • Role-based dispatch option


Returns may be non-returnable shipments, partially returnable shipments, or completely returnable shipments. The final stage of the workflow that can be configured is the Return Acceptance stage, where the returned items are checked and approved for acceptance by the department head, the manager, or the requestor

  • Monitor returnable and non-returnable materials
  • Returns can be accepted or rejected with reasons recorded for each
  • Material Due Date is captured for returnable gate passes
  • Role-based return approval and acknowledgement
  • Track Full and Partial returns, with reminders for pending returns
  • Acknowledgement for returns
  • Detailed reports on the status of materials, contractors and returnable