
What is MLAI Mailroom Management Software?

The MLAI Mailroom Management System helps to monitor outgoing and incoming couriers, packets, parcels etc. at large office complexes and factories until they are delivered and confirmed. This solution automates the entire process from the time of collection at the source to the time of delivery at the destination. It tracks shipments across multiple sites and multiple locations. The QR code / Barcode scan makes it easy to track the status of the parcel shipment at any time. The delivery status of the parcels is also monitored and recorded, thereby analysing the provider’s service level agreement and reporting any violations. The system also provides an invoice generation feature for the parcels handled.

The Benefits of MLAI Digital Mailroom Management

MLAI Digital Mailroom Management Software greatest advantage is that it automates the delivery process. With these systems, you can keep your team productive and worry-free by syncing, notifying, and automating tasks. Listed below are a few features that your organization can benefit from:

  1. Package delivery management This allows employees to scan packages and receive instant notifications when they have packages to pick up.
  2. Delivery reminders These are automatic reminders sent to remind an employee to pick up their packages, reducing mailroom pile-ups.
  3. Digital delivery logs These keep you informed about your deliveries and update automatically, allowing you to check records at any time.
  4. Recipient notifications When packages are scanned, they automatically detect the recipients, match them to employees in your directory, and let them know when their items are ready for pick-up.
  5. Minimized Operational Costs
  6. More Storage for Deliveries
  7. Efficient Package Processing
  8. Zero Lost Deliveries
  9. Improved Customer Experience

With these features, you can create a mailroom process that works smoothly for you and your employees. Not to mention, when your mailroom process is working correctly, you will experience fewer package pile-ups. A messy workplace can make both you and your organization look unprofessional, but a neat and organized workplace shows employees you have things under control.

How It Works

  1. Quickly Scan Labels:-You can scan the recipient name or barcode on a parcel label with the MLAI Mailroom app. MLAI will automatically recognize the recipient, take a picture of the parcel, and send them a notification in seconds. Additionally, you can scan multiple parcels at once and send out batch notifications without having to log parcels manually. With the MLAI Mailroom app, you can scan the address on a parcel label.
  2. Automate Notifications and Speed Up Collections:-When all parcels have been scanned, they will be grouped by recipients and notifications sent for their collection, which can be sent via Email, SMS
  3. Protect Important Deliveries and Enable Contactless Pickups:- Ensure accountability and fix mix-ups by requiring recipients to sign or take pictures at pickup/drop-off. Recipients can also retrieve their parcel using the QR codes they receive by email.

Key Features of MLAI Mailroom Management System

  1. Collect Proof of Dispatch and Track Parcels end-to-end:- The MLAI Mailroom will automatically notify the sender once the parcel has been handed off, creating the proof of dispatch. Log parcels waiting to be sent from your site via couriers and record the handoff process. From the moment a parcel is dispatched, MLAI Mailroom allows you to track it to its destination.
    • Track Parcels to Their Destination:- The moment your courier dispatches your parcels, you can track their progress.
    • Collect Proof of Dispatch:- Whenever a parcel is handed over to a courier, log the courier's call sign (name) and signature, and notify the sender that the parcel has been handed off. Create a proof of delivery for the sender as well.
    • Log Pending Outbound Parcels:- Keeping a record of all parcels handed by employees and tenants to the reception or mailroom can help you streamline your business.
  1. Notify Recipients About their Parcels:- After parcels are scanned, they are grouped by the recipient, and notifications are sent with the custom message you have pre-set. Notifications can be sent via Email. MLAI Mailroom also offers you the ability to set custom email triggers, to only communicate with mail or parcels that arrive or are dispatched.

    In addition to setting up custom email triggers, MLAI Mailroom gives you the ability to communicate only with mail or parcels that arrive or are dispatched.
    • Communicate On Your Favourite Channels:- We can accommodate all your communication channels with MLAI Mailroom. We have SMS, Emails. There is an open API if you want to customize something else. If you use something else contact Customer Services and they can confirm we work with that channel as well.
    • Automated Reminders:- Create and customize the frequency of reminders sent to recipients regarding outstanding parcels. Having reminders available can be a lifesaver for mailrooms and reception areas that are cluttered, as they can speed up parcel collections and prevent people from forgetting to pick up their items.
    • Automate Notifications:- You won't have to manually contact, e-mail or leave paper slips in recipients PO boxes. You will receive automatic notifications as soon as parcels have been scanned into the site.
  1. Secure Parcel Collections and Drop-offs:- It ensures parcel pickups are secure and provides proof of handoffs for each parcel handled by the mailroom. There will never be a lost parcel again, and your team will have proof that parcels have been picked up or dropped off; signatures (when parcels have been collected) or photos (when parcels have been dropped off).
    • Drop-off Photo:- When you drop off a parcel with MLAI Mailroom, you can take a photo of the location and the photo will be sent to the recipient via their preferred notification channel so they know where their parcels have been left.
    • Signatures:- The MLAI Mailroom will always require proof of pick-up/drop-off. The simplest and most convenient is collecting a signature or note during the handoff process
  1. Contactless Parcel Collection:- Contactless parcel collection help with social distancing and make your building Covid- 19 compliant.
    • Unique QR Codes:- Each recipient of delivery will receive a QR code that is unique to them. Using this secure and unique QR code, they can securely pick up a delivery from the mailroom or reception.
    • QR Codes As Proof-of-Collection:- This method of secure delivery is even more secure than signatures, and serves as proof of delivery as QR codes are unique to the recipient. Therefore, only they can use them to collect their delivery.
  1. Digital Delivery Log:- Keep track of which packages arrive, when they are retrieved, and which packages need to be picked up. Go Paperless by using MLAI Mailroom, all parcels you log will automatically create a searchable history; this way, you will be able to see all the barcodes, couriers, and recipient details for all the parcels you've logged. You will also have the option to filter parcels by date received and collected. All data on MLAI Mailroom is stored on secure cloud servers to comply with GDPR security standards. It is all encrypted and safe, and accessible from anywhere in the world.
  1. Tags and Notes:- The use of tags, notes, and image attachments allows receptions, mailrooms, and delivery areas to streamline package management and communicate with recipients.
    • Add Notes:- Ensure you record custom notes regarding your parcel delivery. Log a purchase order number or any specific instructions you need to record.
    • Add Tags:- Add tags to deliveries to notify recipients of damaged, perishable, oversized or rejected items. These tags are attached to the recipient's notification informing them of the delivery even before it arrives. You can even create custom tags.
    • Record Package Size and Type:-You can quickly identify the type and size of a parcel by clicking a button, whether it's a large, medium, small, or a letter.
    • Record Tracking Numbers and Couriers:- MLAI Mailroom will always attempt to extract carrier information as well as the tracking number. These details can also be manually entered and amended.
    • Attached Photos:- You can attach extra photos of the package to highlight unusual characteristics or damage.
  1. Secure Pickup Kiosk:- With the MLAI Mailroom Kiosk app, you can place an iOS or Android tablet in your parcel collection area, allowing recipients to collect their deliveries, whether they live in a residential building or work in an office. When a recipient is notified that a package has been delivered, they can come to pick it up by searching for their name on their iPad. If they are missing a parcel, they can sign it out from the system. By removing your staff from the parcel handover process, you can save them over 50% of time handling deliveries, and allow them to focus on more valuable tasks.
    As parcels flow out of your reception or mail room, the Kiosk app helps keep them organized and tracked, allowing your parcel management staff to handle more important tasks. The MLAI Mailroom app will allow you to track how long parcels are kept before collection, as well as run the usual Parcel Tracker analytics in the Kiosk app.
  1. Custom Notification:- You can edit and brand all mailroom communications, including notification emails, reminders, and collection communications, to match your organisation's colours, imagery, and tones. You can add your logo or custom messaging wherever you are comfortable, be it the initial notification email, the reminder, or the collection announcement.
    • Change Notifications Text:- Youcan customize the contents of the MALI Mailroom notifications to reflect your brand's personality. You can also add custom news or announcements to the parcel notifications.
    • Customise Notifications with your Logo and Brand Colours:- MLAI Mailroom notifications can be customized with your brand's colours and logo.
    • Record Package Size amd Type:-You can quickly identify the type and size of a parcel by clicking a button, whether it's a large, medium, small, or a letter.
    • Set Up Custom Notification Triggers:- When notifications are sent, you can select from a range of channel options including SMS, Email, WhatsApp etc., you can choose to receive them as they are received on-site or when they're picked up.
  1. Analytics and Reporting:- Use our easy-to-understand analytics tools to identify trends in your mailroom or delivery site.
    • Generate Report:- With Parcel Tracker Mailroom, you can generate reports directly through the parcel tracker or export the data as CSV. You can prove compliance with reports regarding average parcel hold times or billing invoices regarding the number of deliveries handled in a given timeframe.